Not Just Truckers

Every week the Boop Boop CB’ers get together, when the weathers bad they gather at a local restaurant. On January 16 they enjoyed a specially priced half roast chicken over filling with all the extras, offered by Bill, the owner of William’s Family Restaurant in Reading, PA, to thank them for having their bad weather gatherings there every week. Obviously CB is more than just foul mouthed truckers talking about speed traps or the owner of a family restaurant wouldn’t have offered a thank you special. So what do they talk about? The same things as anyone else; sports, politics, family, cars, jobs, and even CB Radio.

The dinner was truly enjoyable, good friends sharing a meal together like the family they are. From the “Pops” to the “Kiddos,” everyone had a good time talking and joking around. Of course there’s even more to CB’ers than that. Looking out for each other is the norm, and that includes the waitresses and cooks who feed us whether it’s telling our friends about the place or giving waitresses a ride home when weathers bad CB’ers take care of each other.

The CB Community is more than just people with a 2-way radio, it’s part of the rest of the community because it’s made up of people from all parts of the community. Regardless of age, race, sex, or religion if you have a radio you’re a CB’er and that’s all that matters.

The next time you see an unusual antenna on a car, if you get a chance, ask the driver for his handle. Even if you don’t have one yourself they’ll tell you and they may even know where you can get a cheap setup to join the fun.

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Boop Boop CB

Welcome to the Boop Boop CB blog. Now that you’re here I guess you want to know what Boop Boop CB is? Well you’re in luck, that’s what this page is here to answer.

On Citizens Band (CB) Radio, channel 14, in Berks County, PA there are a group of CB users who have adopted “Boop Boop” as their catch phrase. It started as just something fun to say, but in time it became more.

Some people had a radio because they grew up with the Dukes of Hazard. Others traveled and wanted to be able to get help even if their cell phone was dead. A couple wanted to learn more about radio technology while others wanted to compete to see who had the most powerful setup. Before Facebook and Twitter social networking was done with a 2 way radio, CB and it’s big brother amateur radio were the original social networks. They’re still around today and still getting people from all walks of life together.

Young and old, office worker and factory worker, retired and first jobbers, everyone has a place in CB and the Boop Boopers have them all. If this sounds like something you want to be a part of and you’re in Berks County, PA then drop by on a Thursday night at 6. When the weathers good we meet at the William Penn Fire Tower on Skyline Drive and when it’s not we’re at Williams Restaurant in Reading at 9th and Exeter Sts.

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